Floor finishing systems – outdoor urban design geo drena / filtra – IPM Italia
IPM – GEO DRENA is an ecological system, with a high drainage capacity that has in its composition epoxy resin and natural inert material (marble, porphyry or granite), of different granulations and colors, being specially created for continuous exterior floors. Due to the permeability and porosity of the structure, the water is drained on contact with the surface, thus avoiding the accumulation of water on the surfaces.
IPM Geo Drena is made with new generation products with zero volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Due to the possibility of using natural materials of geometric shapes and colors, the IPM Geo Drena system is adaptable to any project, harmonizing with the external environment, giving the surface an aesthetic and functional look, IPM Geo Drena has no limits in terms of creativity: it offers a wide range of finishing and visual effects and allows the realization of geometric patterns and color matching in an original way, thus representing the right solution for markets, pedestrian cycling tracks, car parks, promenade areas by the sea, walkways walking, swimming pools in residential areas, etc.
IPM Geo Drena is resistant to atmospheric agents, mechanical stress, traffic, frost-thaw stress, thermal expansion, do not turn yellow in the presence of UV radiation, and can satisfy any urban aesthetic and functional demands, in addition, they are easy to maintain because they apply continuously, over large areas, without joints.
Head office
9 Valea Cișmelei Street
Bucharest Office
195 Traian Street, bl. 24, sc. A, ap. 5
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